Pharmacies have unique labeling needs. These labels need to be perfectly accurate and can even result in a recall. The printing process for pharmaceutical labels requires high precision and even a slight mishap could lead to a product recall. You should ask your label printing service about the technology they use. This will tell you if they can handle pharmaceutical label printing. Healthcare organizations often turn to the expertise of DSI to handle their label printing needs.
A key aspect of quality control pharmaceutical label printing is line clearance. This involves resetting the production line between print jobs, removing all plates, raw materials, and inks. This eliminates the risk of operators mixing jobs during production. When this process is completed, labels can be safely distributed to customers. The pharmaceutical industry is moving toward enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, which integrate easily with label printing software. A good quality pharmaceutical label printer will be happy to discuss the advantages of different materials and processes.
A 100 percent print inspection system helps companies detect critical print defects. This inspection process detects recurring and random defects in label printing. Other defects that may occur are die cuts, smudges, hazing, and creases. DISCOVERY PharmaPQ also provides validation of serial/lot numbers and expiration dates. With a high level of quality assurance, a pharmaceutical label printer should have no problem meeting regulatory standards.
In Canada, a recent study explored the legibility of pharmaceutical label printing. The authors found that while most labels followed guidelines on contrast and font style, many were not. The majority of labels used a sans-serif font, resembling Arial, and a minority used a font similar to Univers 65 bold. One label was printed on a dot-matrix printer, resulting in a low-contrast result. Similarly, none of the labels used highlights to highlight the drug name, patient name, or instructions.
As a small-business owner, you need to ensure the legibility of pharmaceutical labels. To make sure that the labels are legible, here is a simple guide. Then, test them against a standard drug label. If the print quality is poor, the entire label is invalid. If the drug label is legible, the label is usable. If the label is illegible, it may have expired.
When you need to format pharmaceutical labels, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Firstly, you have to make sure the print quality is clear and legible. Pharmaceutical labels should be straight and free of wrinkles. They shouldn't peel off from the surface of the package, and they should also include a tamper-evident seal. This seal protects the product inside the bottle. It's important to check the label before you use it to avoid any mishaps.
For pharmaceutical label printing, pharmaceutical companies generally use ISO symbols and visual marking to make it easier for international buyers to understand the information on the labels. They also need to be centralized, since having different systems increases the risk of errors. The pharmaceutical industry is moving toward enterprise resource planning systems (ERPs) as these can integrate with label printing software. These systems can also streamline the label printing process by ensuring all information is kept in one place.
When choosing a printer, consider the type of pharmaceutical label you need. Often times, labels from different product lines look very similar, but they are critical differences and may require unique label materials. Consider the process known as line clearance for pharmaceutical label printing. This process involves completely resetting the production line between print jobs, removing all plates, inks, and raw materials. This process eliminates any possibility of operator mixing jobs.
Quality control is crucial for pharmaceutical labeling. Even the smallest of errors can be harmful to patients or hinder their ability to perform essential functions. Pharmaceutical companies know this, so they vet their label suppliers more carefully. Look for specific industry indicators, like certifications, to ensure quality control. Also, look for a label printer that consistently delivers high-quality labels. The more attention to detail you pay upfront, the more you'll save in the long run.
In order to meet DSCSA requirements, pharmaceutical manufacturers must have the highest quality variable coding and marking technology available. Their printing and marking equipment must ensure crisp, legible, and highly visible codes. Their solutions should also provide line productivity and seamless integration. By using advanced variable data marking technology, manufacturers can ensure traceability and product identification. Here are the advantages of using Videojet Technologies' printing and marking solutions:
With so many regulations to meet, it is essential to use the right label printing equipment and software to make sure compliance is a breeze. This means investing in advanced print and coding equipment that can keep track of serial numbers. This equipment also helps manufacturers reduce costs associated with manual data entry. Further, automated printing and coding equipment are necessary for pharmaceutical label printing. DSCSA-compliant label printers can create digital copies for backup and rapid dissemination.